"The" Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September and early October. The first "Oktoberfest" occurred in Munich, on October 12, 1810. The annual event is now attended by six million people each year and has inspired numerous similar events using the name Oktoberfest.
At the center of the celebration is the serving of strong beer by buxom women dressed in dirndls. A dirndl is a type of traditional dress worn mostly worn in Austria and Bavaria, based on the historical costume of Alpine peasants. (Dirndlgewand means "maid's dress").
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At the center of the celebration is the serving of strong beer by buxom women dressed in dirndls. A dirndl is a type of traditional dress worn mostly worn in Austria and Bavaria, based on the historical costume of Alpine peasants. (Dirndlgewand means "maid's dress").
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