Afternoon Hike

We were hiking. It was a warm, summer day. The air sticky and sweet. For part of the day we passed and then were passed by another group, a family with kids, as we climbed, and rested, and climbed.

Eventually,  we found a side trail, and let the family go on far ahead. When we were certain they had made a good mile distance, we turned off the main trail and hiked another half mile to a cliff, overlooking a valley. It was late in the day by then, and we were sore, and sweaty. Ready to rest, we laid out our blanket to take a naked nap in the sun. 

Being naked and alone outside, it wasn't long before I was straddling him, ready to lower my hips down and feel his hard manhood slip inside me. Leaning forward, I let my breasts fall into his face, which his lips bathed in kisses. Feeling myself grow wetter between my already wet legs, I sank down, onto his cock, feeling him fill me, and rode him, up and down, my breasts free in the August air. My mouth wild and twisted and eyes taking in the soft green everywhere. I felt like Eve, returned to paradise.